28: 7 reasons why your free resource isn’t bringing you new clients

Season #2

You’ve created a freebie, you have your email list ready to grow - you drop your freebie on IG, ready for the downloads to pour in…and you get a couple here and there but nothing like you thought you would…

Let’s be honest, in this day and age - you have to have some sort of way for people to opt-in to your email list. You need to get potential clients further into our world so that they get to know you better and see your style, see that you know what you’re talking about 

What I see happen too often - you put your blood sweat & tears into a free offer and then are disappointed by the results after. 

So today we are talking about common mistakes I see when people create a freebie that is stopping people from opting in, using or even getting sales from that free resource 


Why they aren’t opting in: 

Not talking about it enough (especially in stories) 

Not creating something your people want 

Why they don’t use it: 

Using a format that people won’t use 

You don’t automatically redirect to the resource 


Why they aren’t buying: 

No sense of urgency 

Resource doesn’t relate to your offer 

No sales sequence (or tricky sequence) 

If you’ve been listening thinking that you definitely have some of these errors in your freebie flow, and you want support in tying up all the loose ends - making your free resource something that actually works for you - then grabbing a spot for my Lead Gen Package will help you with this.

Download my services guide for more information and to apply: CLICK HERE