23: My secret for a holiday season that doesn’t suck

Season #1

The holidays are a wonderful, stressful and intense time in the mom world. 

We have more stuff put on our plates starting really before Halloween. Some of it we can help, some of it we can't help and some of it we love. 

Either way, there is no denying that our to-do lists get longer and our patience gets shorter. 

In this episode, I highlight the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing activities that truly bring you joy this holiday season.

To help you identify what is truly important to you, I have created the following list activity:

Want to 

Have to 

Should do 

I give examples on each section of the list in this podcast and what to do at the end when you have made your lists.

Remember, you don’t have to do all the things this holiday season and you get to say no!