20: I hated Content Pillars before but love them now! Here's why.

Season #1

I initially had reservations about content pillars, I thought they were restrictive and very surface level.

Creating a clear message in your brand and attracting the right audience is so crucial.  Content pillars can serve as the foundation for your content creation and also help you stay consistent and focused.  They help you become known for something.

When coming up with content pillars, consider these 3 things:

  1. Identify your specific expertise
  2. Determine your mission
  3. Consider your personal interests and how they tie into your business

Next, you want to categorize these into the following pieces of content:

  • Authoritative
  • Educational
  • Connecting
  • Sales
  • Growth

Still unsure or need extra help from what you learned in today’s episode?  Here are some helpful links for you below! 

Send a DM on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/gianatralongo/

Purchase my Content Consistency Code course here:  https://giana-tralongo.mykajabi.com/content-consistency-code