8: The biggest mistakes I’ve made in my business: investments edition

Season #1

Mistakes in an online business are completely normal - yet we don't talk about them enough. 

This is the inception of a regular series where I am going to be sharing my mistakes in hopes that you'll learn from them and I'll help you not make the same ones. 

I’m a firm believer that investing in your business has to be a non-negotiable but what I’ve learned overall is that you have to make sure you’re investing in the right thing, the right person at the right time. 

Some of my mistakes include: 

- Outsourcing before I knew how to do it myself (and paying the price for that) 

- Investing in something that ended up being "not what I signed up for" - though this one did have a happy ending! 

- Working with coaches I loved but didn't need anymore (thus, "wasting" money) 

- Missing out on mindset coaching 

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