$59.00 USD

Balance Your Business


Do you find yourself wondering why some days you’re unstoppable, while on others, you can barely get out of bed? 

Are you tired of feeling like you just can’t check off the things on your to do list every single day, like you need to? 


If you’re ready to kick frustration to the curb and learn how to align your tasks and responsibilities with your menstrual cycle (aka - Cycle Syncing) then this workshop is for you. 


What You'll Gain from the Workshop: 

✨ Efficiency & Productivity: 

Learn how to use the strengths of each phase of your cycle to optimize your workflow. Get more done on the days you can & say goodbye to burning out. 


✨ Creative Flow:

There are certain times during your cycle when being creative comes easier and certain times where everything you write feels like crap. 

Discover how to tap into your creative genius and produce content & copy that flows naturally, whether it's writing, podcasting, or going live.


✨ Avoid Burnout:

Learn to navigate your energy cycles to prevent burnout. No more pushing yourself to the limit only to crash at the worst possible times. Have sustainable success without sacrificing your well-being.


✨ Skip the Drama:

You know that week every so often that you want to burn down your business? You’ll learn how to anticipate that, and work through it - because you don’t actually want to quit - your hormones are just messing with you. 


Take charge of your body & your workload with the Balance Your Business Workshop. 

Join me and transform the way you work, unlocking a new level of productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.


Workshop details: 

Date: Wednesday, February 21st 

Time: 1pm eastern 

*replay will be available and you’ll have indefinite access to it 

Early bird price: $19 

Price increases February 11th 


Ready to grab the key to unlock your sustained success and balance your work with how your body naturally flows? 

Then girl, let's get you into this workshop!