Having a plan is like:
Your husband walking into the kitchen with a backwards baseball hat on, bringing you your fav starbucks (that you didn't expect) + a slice of pumpkin bread (that you don’t have to share with your kids).
It’s sexy, a little bit of a surprise and most importantly, it’s comfortable.
It feels satisfying to have a roadmap to follow - to get up every day and know exactly what has to be done and you’ll be surprised by how much MORE time you seem to have by having a plan that keeps you focused.
1 course, 5 videos - doing planning the Giana way & you’ll have a timeline, content outline completed and space to breathe because you have a path to follow
Plus - you’ll be confident as hell in having a much better start to next quarter than you ever have before
Every quarter, I watch business owners flail around without a plan. Being reactive instead of proactive and having failed launches, missing their goals because of it.
You're going into each day just doing the task that are thrown in front of you instead of having a roadmap to take you were you want to go.
There is a better way though - my Incubator will walk you through a plan NOW (& a way better one than you’d create on your own because you know that’s my jam).
You’ll know what the next 3 months will look like for you. You'll be confident as hell in your brand and you'll have a content plan to go with all of this.
If you're ready to show up in your business like a CEO.
Know the direction your going in at all times
and have badass content that speaks to your ideal client - then this Incubator is for you.
Giana's Incubator was hands down the best investment I made in myself this year. I knew I wanted to make changes in my business for 2023 and wanted to have a plan heading into the new year, which I never have done in the past. Giana helped me get really clear on what my priorities were going to be and a very realistic way on how I was going to achieve this plan and actually stick to it! She has a wonderful gift of being able to pull things out of people they may not have known they had in them or the hard truth that is much needed to move forward. If you're looking to get your quarter off to a stellar start, the Incubator is where it's at! - Alyssa Gleason
What's Included:
(5) Videos walking you step-by-step through the planning process
(5) Workbooks that guide you in making a plan specific and unique to you
(1) Content Planning Spreadsheet Template
The Breakdown of Modules:
Module 1: Evaluating your past, vision casting the future + figuring out how much time you have
Module 2: Setting your goals and creating a timeline to get there
Module 3: Establishing your personal brand and how you want to show up on social media (as authentically as possible!)
Module 4: Honing in on your ideal client so you find the people you're excited to work with
Module 5: Bringing it all together to create your social media plan for next quarter (so you always know exactly what to post)
What happens when you work with me

I'm Giana!

I’m a passionate, focused + relentless woman - that also cracks herself up at her really lame jokes.
I have 2 toddlers, a husband + a pitbull/chihuahua dog named Lucy.
Outside of business - I connect with people on Harry Potter, The Bachelor and eating really amazing food.
But honestly - I looooovvveee talking about systems to make your life easier and as a true introvert that hates small talk - I will typically ask you what your biggest dreams are right off the bat.
I fiercely believe that women - especially mothers - can have it all. We just need to make our own damn rules around what that means for US.
Nothing makes me happier than watching another mama bring her dreams to life & the excitement that shines through here when she does.
I got you mama <3