This exclusive, bite-sized podcast series is designed to empower you to:

  • Realize that you can do business differently than how you see the big-wigs teaching you & when you make these small shifts - your work will light you up even more! 
  • Have your own “ah-ha” moments AND hear actionable strategies from real-life success stories.
  • Expand your business in a sustainable and fun way! 

In just 7 short episodes, you'll discover:

  • Step by step ways to do more of what is working for you in your business and incorporate MORE of what you love to do for your clients 
  • Mindset shifts to cultivate a positive and productive business environment without the toxic positivity or comparisionitis you’ve felt before 
  • Time-saving strategies & offer ideas to balance your work and personal life (all while hearing about real-life busy past clients that have done the same)

If you're ready to hear stories from women entrepreneurs, just like you, that have elevated their businesses without adding more hours to their plate, if you're ready to do your work differently than how the big wigs teach & if you just need some validation that you aren't alone - this podcast is for you! 


Private Podcast: 

The Anti-Guru Method

Drop your details below & I'll send the podcast to your inbox!

Hey, I'm Giana!


Welcome to my world, where we do things differently. 

Where we create businesses that work FOR our life - not against it. 

Where we hustle when we want to, love our work but also aren't afraid to shut the laptop down and go on and enjoy snuggling on the couch watching movies, drinking tequila and living a life on our terms. 

I've been in the online space for 8 years and prior to that, worked with small businesses on the operations, event planning and marketing to help them grow, streamline their systems and make more money. 

Now, I get to help you do the same. 

I love helping you make your own rules when it comes to entrepreneurship - because the BEST part of having your own business is doing it in a way that you actually love <3